Truck Stop
Lorry's Truck Stop.
"They cannot hear me, because the sound of who I am is deafening them"
DISCLAIMER: This page is a page dedicated to my alter-ego 'Lorry'. It may
not always have that much to do with me, Michael Lawrie, excepting that
obviously I wrote it all. If you don't understand why
that makes an important difference then I request that you don't carry on
reading these pages. This page is meant for entertainment and informational
use only; it is my personal page and not my professional page. My
professional page was
here if you are
interested. These days I don't really do any of that stuff any more unless
somebody pays me a small fortune but it's an interesting bit of history.
Assuming you do understand the difference, then enter of your own free will
and be welcome... I use this page more as a storage area for myself than as
a webpage that people are meant to look at;
it is my scrapbook on the Internet - Feel free to browse it if you
are interested but bear in mind that you may get terribly bored.
Do not read any further in these pages unless you are visiting in good
faith. You are not permitted to steal anything, gather anything for the
purposes of incriminating me or anybody else nor use anything on these
pages without my specific, written permission. Anyway, now all that is
sorted, have fun.
** New at 2006.10.28 - The guestbook should work again **
If you are bored, why not
view the guestbook or
sign the guestbook.
There's another link
at the end of the page if you don't want to go there straight away.
I am fascinated to know how some of you end up here.
All about me:
Firstly I guess, something about me in my
"Me, myself and I" page.
Alternatively, though I resisted for many years, I do now have a
weblog of sorts.
The following are various things about me, my web pages and loads of
pictures, that you can browse:
- These are either
friends of mine or people I
know because they have usernames on machines that I run.
- A pretty random assortment of
things I have written.
- Lest anyone be interested, a little bit
about this web page.
- Strange people occasionally ask me
about my cameras and photos so last time
I was bored, I made a wee page.
- I sometimes get the strange urge to
write 55 word short-stories. Yes, I know
it's a very odd urge but it seems generally harmless.
- I decided to start putting up
some of my rants, lest anyone be interested.
- This is a very old
scrapbook of things I think are
pretty, brilliant or generally wonderful. I started an
updated version based on some of
the signed pictures I own but I still haven't finished it.
- I still actively maintain the IRCnet
#GB home page still these days,
but a long time ago I made another one that I thought put people under
better categories. This
last one hasn't been updated in years though.
- Not for the faint of heart, this page...
Poems and other odd scribblings.
- In the distant past, I used to put pre-releases of
new things on here for a while. The word "new" should
be taken with a pinch of salt in this case since its last update was
September 1996. This page remains the only one on here with the original
May 1995 background as well.
And last, but not least...
My own page links
Various other links I like:
These are links that I originally decided to put on this web page because
they were cute in some way. I also have another page that is devoted to
my Web Pages Of The Day.
- My favourite author, Martin
Millar now has his own homepage, which is rather jolly. Trust me to
pick a favourite author who'd rather sit around doing nothing than writing
though. Most of his books are brilliant, "Dreams of Sex and Stagediving"
is amazing and the new one, "Melody Paradise", is better again.
- Jim's page: included because
he made me a coffee to do so! (This is very out of date)
- And, now for something completely
- If you are a little confused about life, then let
Clarissa explain it all.
- Not very politically correct, but excellent anyway
The ever wonderful, Babe Test. It
even works sometimes!
- He's a god... All hail!
Rolf Harris.
- Though I am technically on the wrong side to endorse this, here's
The Cult of the Dead Cow.
- We love 'em...
Them Duke Boys. (And Daisy!)
- They probably love 'em too...
The Village People.
(Sorry about the pop ups on this).
- This is a good page on
diving in the UK. If you are a weirdo like me who actually prefers the
freedom of a mask and snorkel then why not look at:
Freediving Internet Magazine.
- If you like handmade jewellery?
Have a look at
Lionel Pepper's pages.
I can highly recommend his work. (Again, sorry about the pop-ups, his
stuff is good, his web-design alas isn't!).
- If your machine is anything like mine and grinds to a halt when
you use Internet Explorer or Netscape then once I would have advised you
to try the
Opera Web Browser. It was small,
it worked quite well and best of all, it didn't play background music.
These days, alas, it's grown huge and plays the music.
- If you want to buy me a present,
I will have one of these, please!
- I am not a big Dr Who fan but I do have an odd obsession with
Daleks. Obviously someone else does too by the looks of this
Dalek Extermination Page.
- On the subject of pictures, if you are in the slightest interested
in photography, you should visit Phil Greenspun's pages at His
Web Travel section is
- My friend Shimrit demanded that I mention her
Dating Book. I have no idea why anyone would want to date the Internet
but whatever keeps people happy.
These ones have vanished alas...
Sixdegrees was a wonderful concept but alas... It shut down! Ah well,
another good site bites the dust.
- There was an interesting page at
Carrie has the same taste in women as I do but she seems to have absorbed
her page into the general darkweb one.
- Bored? They used to have a sing-a-long with
Captain Kirk (and crew). It seems to have gone for good now... Shame.
- Once upon a time, when you needed an
insult or an
you could try these. I guess one day I will find a new set of links.
- I really like good artwork and photography and there used to be
a pretty good collection on
Randy's Page.
I guess he's moved it... Grrrr.
The rest of this page got corrupted sometime in the dim and distant
past... I hope nothing too important got lost.
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For completeness, here is the old Guestbook.
"The world is full of buttons, but none of them are mine..."
These pages were written for, and are best viewed with
Netscape 1.2.
(For other older browsers, try's browser archive)
Just on the offchance... Well who knows!
Michael Lawrie's 'Lorry' homepage. Email: [email protected], Phone 0973 659410.
Last update: 20000411 and again at 20031112 for Sara.