Truck Stop: Stephen Hawking Chat Up Lines.
Tink's "Stephen Hawking Chat Up Lines" page...
In 1984, Digital Equipment Corporation created a gadget called
DECtalk which, at the time was the ultimate in speech synthesis and
oddly, getting on for 20 years on is still pretty much an industry standard. (Well it
was when this was written... Now even the good Professor has changed
to a NeoSpeech's VoiceText speech synthesizer.)
Professor Stephen Hawking, author of
A Brief History of Time
uses a DECtalk DTC01 to speak "through" so,
unfortunately for him anyone with one of these can have great fun doing
their own Stephen Hawking impersonations.
On the web in 1996 I found a wonderful page devoted to Stephen Hawking
chat-up lines
(it was at but,
as is the way of these things, it vanished into oblivion some time later.
Eventually, after all these years, we decided to recreate it with completely
new lines because it was fun so; here it is!.
Disclaimer: This page is in no way intended to indicate that these lines
have ever been said by Stephen Hawking, nor that the Good Professor would
ever stoop so low (or at least that is what we thought back in 1999).
All of the speech synthesis on this page was initiated by Tink the cat, showing how easy the DECtalk is to use.
(Click for full-size)
On most modern browsers, the intro link (underneath Tink) no longer works
click here for the intro...
I suppose one day I should make all of these things
play in-line but that is against my policy of making things work on Netscape 1.2 *grumble*.
Go Stephen Go! Show us your stuff!:
Just click on a corny line to hear how the Sexy Professor would deliver
it to his object of desire.
Was your dad a king for a day? He must have been to make a princess like you!
Is it hot in here? Or is it just you...
How was heaven when you left it?
Could I take your picture, so that I can look at the girl of my dreams more
than once.
You're so beautiful, I can't believe God didn't keep you for himself.
What time do you have to be back in heaven?
I think you're the light at the end of my tunnel.
Is there a Rainbow somewhere? Because you're certainly the treasure I've been
searching for.
If you walk away now, I'll die with a broken heart.
If you were a tear in my eyes, I would not cry for fear of losing you.
Can you catch? I think I'm falling for you.
If water were beauty, you'd be an ocean.
You're so sweet, you're gonna put sugar out of business.
Would you touch me so I can tell my friends I've been touched by an angel?
You know what they say about beauty... it protects against all evil. Well,
with you I feel really safe!
You are so beautiful, hand in hand we could walk into a sunset and people would
stop and say "What alovely couple they are", and it would all be
because of YOU.
If I was to die tonight, I would die happy, because I have met someone as
beautiful as you!
You remind me of a compass; because I'd be lost without you.
Is there an airport nearby; or is that just my heart taking off?
If you left now, you'd just be running away with my heart.
I saw your picture in the dictionary today; next to the word beautiful!
Nice dress! Can I talk you out of it?
Stephen goes up to a girl, drools down his front and then dribbles all over
her as well (all this while she is watching) he then says:
How about you and I get out of these wet clothes?
Excuse me; but I certainly think it's time we met.
Hey babe, do you realize that my mouth can generate over 750 psi?
Say? Didn't we go to different schools together?
Cor! You don't sweat much for a fat bird!
If you've lost your virginity, can I have the box it came in?
Ever tried those weird prickly condoms?
Excuse me, do you have change for a thousand pound note?
Do you come here often? You could do; With me.
Hi, I just wanted to give you the satisfaction of turning me down; go ahead
say no.
Stephen: You're gorgeous. I'd really love to invite you out sometime.
Her: No, thanks.
Stephen: Awww, come on! Lower your standards a little bit; I did...
Grab her on the bum and ask, "Excuse me, is this seat taken?"
Nice shoes; fancy a shag?
What's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?
Here's 10p. Phone your mum and tell her you won't be coming home tonight.
Get your coat on baby; you've just pulled.
I wouldn't notrmally ask a fat ugly bird like you; but do you fancy a shag?
We're playing pull a pig; would you fancy being my catch for the night?
I wish you were a door so I could bang you all day long.
Nice legs... What time do they open?
You've got 206 bones in your body. Do you want one more?
I'm fighting the urge to make you the happiest woman on earth tonight.
Do you want to play army? I will lay down and you can blow the hell outta me.
Oh, I'm so sorry, I thought that was a braille name tag.
I'd really like to see how you look when I'm naked.
Is that a ladder in your stockings or is it the stairway to heaven?
Are those things real?
I'd walk a million miles for one of your smiles, and even farther for
that thing you do with your tongue.
If it's true that we are what we eat, then I could be you by morning.
- Stephen looks down at his crotch...
Well It's not just going to suck itself, is it?
You know, if I were you, I'd have sex with me.
You. Me. Whipped cream. Handcuffs. Any questions?
Fuck me if I'm wrong, but is your name Helga Titsbottom?
Those clothes would look great in a crumpled heap on my bedroom floor.
My name is Stephen. Remember that, you'll be screaming it later.
Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk past again?
Hi, I'm Mr. Right. Someone said you were looking for me.
Hi, the voices in my head told me to come over and talk to you.
I know milk does a body good, but DAMN, how much have you been drinking?
If we were the last man and woman on earth, I bet we could do it in public.
Wanna come over for some pizza and sex? No? Why, don't you like pizza?
Baby, I'm an American Express lover. You shouldn't go home without me.
Do you sleep on your stomach? Can I?
Wow! Do you think we were married in a past life?
Would you like to stroke my lucky scrotum?
Interesting Stephen Hawking Links:
Interesting DECtalk Links:
Decus - Where is DECtalk?
Newsweek article on speech.
- Poisoning Pigeons In the Park
The pinnacle of DECtalk achievement... If anyone knows who did this, or has
the DECtalk source can they please pass it to me? There used to be a copy
in the DECtalk conference on Easynet but I lost access long ago.
Iain Murray of the University of Dundee has a lovely page on DECtalk
"fun and games". You should pay particular note to the DECtalk karaoke,
it's pretty amazing really!
Michael Lawrie's 'Lorry' homepage. Email: [email protected]