Truck Stop: New(ish) things.

New arrivals...


Nothing on this page has been reduced in size, classified or edited yet, but for various reasons, they are available on "pre-release". I have tried to give an indication of size if they are big, so be careful!

New scans (Sept 1996 and before)

Old college pics to annoy people.

New baby pics... (Sept 1996)

Things people wanted. Various new ones (B&W only) (July 1996) Baby pics! (Aprilish 1996)

The following batch are mainly from Sue's party in November (1995), the contrast is a bit iffy on a lot of them but I'll work on that later. They are more or less ready for release, and none of them are too big really.

These things really defy categorisation, so why bother?


Michael Lawrie's 'Lorry' homepage. Email: