Truck Stop: Scribbles.
Poems and other scribbles...
To protect me from having to overly worry about what I put on this page
I must insist that readers be over the age of 18. If you are not then
please go and look at something else; if you are then don't take this
warning as an indication that you will find anything "dodgy" on here;
I just want to cover myself.
I originally only put this poetry page here because every web page that
I was parodying had pictures of the owner's cats (or worse, a page that
was meant to be have been written for, or by the cat) and a few crappy
poems put there by the author who was usually far too young to be
writing poetry anyway. I chose these few, I have lost most of
the others I wrote so this is all there is really.
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Unless otherwise stated, everything available from this page is
copyright (C) 1992,2002 Michael Lawrie, and may not be used without permission.
All rights are reserved.
My own poems.
Other people's poems.
Michael Lawrie's 'Lorry' homepage. Email: