Truck Stop: Misc Stuff
Miscellaneous Stuff:
This is where I put everything that doesn't really warrant a page of
its own, though in some cases, there may be links elsewhere to them.
These pictures aren't meant for general consumption, hence the format;
they are meant as a place for me to keep pictures online. However, if
you are bored and want to browse then feel free, just don't complain
about the crappy organisation.
The names and formats vary so much because of the long timespan stuff
has been put on here for - In the earlier days, it was just named and
then I started putting dates on - Since people may be linking to it,
I decided not to change anything and just leave it as a mess.
Most of the pages have some sort of graphical index - The yellow and
green ones are created by Webmagick, they usually have multiple pages
which you can switch between with the little numbers at the top and if
you click on one of the little pictures, it should enlarge it into the
main window. Remember, you can scroll up and down in the little picture
section too.
Dated sections:
If I remember to keep it this way, these will be in reverse dated order.
- 20110501-bits -
- 20110129-snowydrive -
- 20100808-timberdoodle -
- 20090910-jessbits1 -
- 20090829-Raccoons-by-kat -
- 20090823-slidechuck -
- 20090810-timberdoodle -
- 20090810-island -
- 20090808-firetruck -
- 20090807-outsides -
- 20090725-hummers -
- 20090717-blueberries -
- 20090715-tz1-test -
- 20090715-chipmunk -
- 20090711-Northshore -
- 20090702-heartpie -
- 20090628-waterfalls -
- 20090613-uktimmy -
- 20090606-tilly -
- 20090510-riverrocks -
- 20090502-dodgeyfixing -
- 20090428-trolleys -
- 20090428-arrows -
- 20090421-boiler-disposal -
- 20090420-wildlife -
- 20090419-offal -
- 20090416-ram -
- 20090416-dodgey -
- 20090411-puppykits -
- 20090407-newtarget -
- 20090405-water -
- 20090401-halifax -
- 20090329-waspnest -
- 20090311-moocows -
- 20090209-iceyclothes -
- 20090207-fishcakes -
- 20090125-cansofpop -
- 20090122-animals -
- 20090112-kittysfashion - They were
paid well for their two minutes of humiliation.
- 20090111-snowsnow - Guess what. Snow!
- 20090107-snowbeach - We went to the
Ice Beach, it wasn't meant to snow that day. Yea, right.
- 20081217-theresa - Visiting Theresa and
- 20081217-icestorms - Um, it doesn't
really show that my wipers were just ice-sticks.
- 20081128-aftersnow - It stopped snowing..
- 20081123-moresnow - It snowed some
more but a nice man in a tractor took some of it away.
- 20081122-snowy - It snowed, I think it
was too deep for a snow angel.
- 20081114-kittys - Various Poggin and Tink
- 20081012-islands - Pretty Islands.
- 20081012-timberdoodle - We went
a visiting the middle of nowhere again.
- 20080922-bitties - Newport Pagnell,
Kelly's bald cat, global financial collapses, pizzas and monkeys.
- 20080910-sandals - I am not really sure
why this is, I just seemed to accumulate them.
- 20080828-container - Closing up the
big metal boxes, finally.
- 20080828-bunny - We rescued a bunny from
an evil feline. We didn't even eat him!
- 20080815-container - Some people have
said I have too much stuff.
- 20080726-concrete-cows - Kat and
I finally found the Concrete Cows of Milton Keynes.
- 20080708-clouds -
- 20080602-jana - Jana and I in Cambridge.
- 20080528-tilly - Tilly, Kat and I in
Plymouth - This is my batch of photos.
- 20080528-tilly2 - Tilly, Kat and I in
Plymouth - Kat's photos this time.
- 20080525-leigh-bp - Leigh and I
go to Bletchley Park on a rainy day.
- 20080429-black-squirrels - Ah ha,
the black squirrels are finally back after my white cat killed most of them.
- 20080410-movebits - You guessed... More
from the never ending house move.
- 20080331-notenoughpugs - I got a
bunch of signed Sheldon books. There weren't enough Pugs.
- 20080327-potnoodle - Moving the Pot Noodle
machine was not a fun task.
- 20080326-moremoving - Some completely
random things found in the garage, including a memento from
the time that the Knighton Morris Dancers tried to kill me.
- 20080322-anyoldiron - [Empty]
- 20080313-cameras - I found a few cameras
when moving.
- 20080211-bigredthing - Everybody needs
a big red thing to help them with a house move. This was before its big green
friend came to join it.
- 20071217-pheasant-lumix-zoom -
I was playing with the zoom on my little camera.
- 20071111-elena - Elena. An odd collection
because there are some of me in glasses.
- 20071108-bikewars - This bike wanted to
keep its seat-post, I wanted it out. Eventually, I won.
- 20071104-newbikes - Oh don't ask, I didn't
mean to get so many...
- 20071102-bikelocks - I have no idea
what this lot is really. I think I was opening bike locks.
- 20071031-holland - Mirri, Giles, The kids
and various Hollish things.
- 20071013-spiderpigs - Spiders, cats
and high fashion.
- 20071008-mirri - Mirri and a Hedgepig.
- 20070930-booksale - I didn't get too
much from the Ashwell Book Sale this year really.
- 20070928-drowned - The one day of the
year I get stuck on a bike, it happens to piss it down. Great.
- 20070927-cowhenge - Jaana and I
decide to explore one of England's less well known monuments.
- 20070920-radios - I may also have too many
- 20070918-mousey - One that got away
(from the cats).
- 20070915-custard - A couple of photos
of me from Custard's wedding. Luckily, not many.
- 20070901-ambulance-cleaning -
Making the rather smelly ambulance more habitable.
- 20070811-ambulance - Bringing the
rather smelly ambulance home.
- 20070720-prettysky - One good thing
about months of rain is that sometimes, the sky is pretty.
- 20070715-gardenfruit - Garden pics,
Mari and Terry and for some reason, a buttplug in the making.
- 20070527-soggy - We took some Finns on
a summer trip to the seaside. Got to love England!
- 20070516-caresana - More boat pictures
and we finally found Lippo open.
- 20070513-bombshelter - For some
reason one of the neighbours has a bomb shelter in their garden.
- 20070508-garage - Starting to clear out
the garage.
- 20070303-llamas - We found where they
were keeping the Llamas.
- 20070303-eclipse - There was a Lunar
eclipse, so I decided to see if the Lumix would be any use.
- 20070303-cats-kat - Pretty much what it
- 20070208-snowysheep - Cold Sheep and
snow in January! Bloody Global Warming, whatever next!
- 20070128-salamanca2-hc - The
Hospitality Club mob meet up in Salamanca.
- 20070127-salamanca-jane - I was
kidnapped by Germans, well Jane and Kim anyway.
- 20070126-salamanca1 - Out and about
in Salamanca with Maali.
- 20061215-pheasant-neil - Poor
Neil. But it was me or the crows who'd get him and I voted for me.
- 20061019-bilbao-people -
A mini-cruise to Bilbao, just the people shots really.
- 20061016-adele - Ok, so late at night isn't
always the best time to visit stone circles but Adele and I wanted to go
so what the hell?
- 20061015-caresana-people -
Cheese at Ashwell, and Giolla and Rayburn visit Caresana.
- 20061007-zoe - Zoe in Manchester.
- 20060930-caresana-leigh -
Caresana travels over to Leigh, she's happier there. There is a moral in
this album - Don't walk barefoot for half a mile over oyster beds.
- 20060929-caresana-sos -
Caresana arrives in Southend, and gets ditched ih the mud by the pier.
- 20060912-cambridge - Kat, Irene and
Maali and I in Cambridge.
- 20060728-toohot -
When it gets to 63'c in a car, it's probably too hot.
- 20060607-washing-machines - My
council wouldn't take away my 2 old washing machines so I figured I'd just put
them into the bin.
- 20060525-5-bigfoss - A much bigger
- 20060525-4-geysir - I hope you realise
the pain I go through to bring you these pictures and all I got for my
burned fingers was Six Kroner.
- 20060525-3-littlefoss - A little
waterfall, awww.
- 20060525-2-volcano - How enterprising
they fill their old volcanos with water to keep them happy.
- 20060525-1-sjofn-landscapes - We
had to go and tow Gummi from the middle of the Moon, apparently.
- 20060525-1-sjofn-farm - Sheep! Oh
and did i mention the lighthouse?
- 20060524-sjofn-1 - Off to Sjofn's, she
has a lighthouse and sheep.
- 20060524-iceland3 - Checking out the
Icelandic Cod Fleet, we'll get our revenge yet!
- 20060523-iceland2 - Reykjavik in the
- 20060522-iceland1 - Off to Iceland,
mostly air pictures, Frida and Asta Ros.
- 20060510-mekat - Me and Kat and a local
Chinese Restaraunt's "You pay or we hang you" warning.
- 20060429-dishy - Hey Diddle Diddle. The
Cambridge Dishes and petrol goes over a pound a litre.
- 20060424-millhouse - They opened up the
Mill House down the road. (** Needs more pics uploading)
- 20060407-raglan - My favourite castle,
Raglan in Wales.
- 20060407-avebury - Avebury, Britain's
largest stone circle and of course, sheep!
- 20060204-bombsite - Ok, time to tidy
the house.
- 20051222-balls - Michael and his shiney
blue balls. I am not sure what this lot is really. Computer stuffs.
- 20051218-bits - Me and shiney trinkets.
- 20051212-bigfire - The Hemel Oil Depot
fire from the air.
- 20051209-warsaw - Warsaw (** Needs more
pics uploading)
- 20051207-ritz - Christmas at the Ritz.
- 20051129-shiney - Baby Ubi and shiney
- 20051129-sheeps - I was looking around
the house for sheep.
- 20051108-ginger - You think this colour
comes natural? Well ok, it does but sometimes it needs help.
- 20051015-meow - Cats and food and stuff that
comes in between.
- 20051014-me - Me and cats.
- 20051010-speck - Cat and Speck Tagiatelli.
- 20051003-snowman - Christmas in October
works better, I reckons.
- 20051001-conkers - Me, Fruit, old Petrol
and Conkers!
- 20050926-treebiter - Mad dogs and
Englishmen go out in the Mid-day Sun.
- 20050926-ruya - Some pics for Ruya.
- 20050905-granadagone - Poor car gone
bye bye! And some fluffy pictures of me.
- 20050901-doggies - I popped up to
Poplar Farm Kennels to take some pics of Aremis, lovely isn't he.
- 20050830-katjam - Kat is getting very
domesticated and making jam.
- 20050825-wet - It was raining!
- 20050815-pizzapirate - For Michelle,
a self-portrait in fancy dress made out of Pizza.
- 20050811-megarden - Me in the garden.
- 20050801-shiny - Well *I* think they
look good, I don't care what anyone else thinks.
- 20050715-soup - Garlic soup. It was
wonderful but you don't want to meet anyone for a day or so afterwards.
- 20050709-bletchley - Bletchley Park.
- 20050705-radios - Leigh wanted some
radio pictures, I guess I should add more.
- 20050629-rainbows - Pretty rainbows,
I missed having the proper camera but I still love the Concorde ones.
- 20050615-ashwell - Not finished yet,
at the moment just some pictures of me.
- 20050612-btnet - This was freaky - My
old work place and the original home of BTnet. It has changed beyond
recognition and they seem to have built a whole brand new town around
it in the 5 years I was away.
- 20050609-cambridge - Some pictures
from Cambridge.
- 20050601-them2 - Terry and Mari.
- 20050530-bunnies - Bunnies and Tree Rats.
- 20050525-canada-06-walkabout -
One of a series of the Canada pictures, these are farms and beavers mostly.
- 20050525-canada-05-zoo - The home of
the world's fattest lion. How proud are they!
- 20050525-canada-04-bits - Some more
bits from Canada - Not really finished yet.
- 20050512-fraggle - Red Fraggle, and
some complely random junk.
- 20050510-pink - Pink things in the garden.
- 20050507-nottingham - Mostly
Sherwood Forest.
- 20050506-pooters - More computers, as ever.
- 20050505-elections - The 2005
General Election - I suspect the advertising was a little overly dodgy...
- 20050502-irene - Irene and I go walkabout.
- 20050430-walkies - A wander around.
Rabbits, birds, war memorials, cameras, cats, junk and Poochie.
- 20050430-bassingbourn - A few
planes flying over Bassingbourn airbase.
- 20050422-ducks - Quack! Plus a couple of
cats and a squirrel.
- 20050417-budapest1 - Wandering
around Budapest.
- 20050415-wildlife - The inhabitants
of the garden at play.
- 20050415-newhats - Me and some hats.
- 20050407-clouds - Me, hats, clouds,
oddly drawn Laras and FOOD!
- 20050406-truffles - Yummy... Truffles!
- 20050406-royston - Ever seen an English
trailer park? No? Well you have now.
- 20050405-garden - Me, gardens, cats,
Kat and forget me nots.
- 20050327-canoes - Canoes and the
amazing indestructible Marmite bottle.
- 20050325-walkabout - Just a walkabout
in the fields. It's pretty and green and springy.
- 20050323-hunny - One of the most amazing
things I have seen in years. It's amazing what a colony of bees can do to
a car seat in a few months.
- 20050323-garden - Just random garden pics
with the usual assortment of wildlife.
- 20050323-fire - Shiney fire!
- 20050319-pooters - I picked up a few new
cat beds... The things I do for them.
- 20050318-scotland - Carolyn and I
on a wee Scottish roadtrip. Also some of Leeds Uni in here too.
- 20050310-stuff - Just stuff! Me, Annika,
Milton Keynes and some of my sister's fairies.
- 20050308-meat - Just lots of yummy beef
and liver.
- 20050307-tweetless - These ones lost
their tweet over a century ago, I think...
- 20050304-isabelle - Isabelle's pics.
- 20050303-redhat - Sometimes we have to
go against convention and wear the yashmagh properly.
- 20050303-cambridge - Kat and I in
Cambridge and a cute black swan.
- 20050301-wetoutside - Nothing very
exciting, just me cleaning a bike and an odd picture of me in glasses.
- 20050221-snowsquirrel - A rather
cold squirrel.
- 20050211-newpcs - Just a couple of
pictures of how a laptop keyboard can suffer...
- 20050209-roadtrip - Eszter couldn't
come with me that day, so I took her bear Brummie on a roadtrip to
Glastonbury and the staircase locks.
- 20050208-eszter2 - Not finished yet,
just some pictures of John at the moment.
- 20050207-eszter-farm - Eszter, Kat
and I at the piggie farm.
- 20050130-carboot - Stevenage Carboot sale
and a dead dolly with no disaster to attend.
- 20050126-hertfordshire-jihad -
We shall overcome! And before you say it, it is North Hertfordshire fashion to
wear the Yashmagh with the tassles forward.
- 20050116-carolyn2 - More Carolyn,
me and kitties.
- 20050109-carolyn1 - Carolyn and some
of Sarah and bits of Leeds.
- 20050104-mememe - Me and hats.
- 20050103-toomuchtea - It is actually
possible to have too much tea, I think.
- 20050103-christmasbits - Some
Christmasy bits, Kat in a hat, kitties and food.
- 20041231-oldbw - Some old scanned
- 20041227-various - Some completely random
pictures... Me, cats, plants and icey pictures.
- 20041202-scans - Some old scans, me,
siblings and an assortment of people.
- 20041130-loungetidy - I tried to
tidy the lounge, a bit...
- 20041129-rockshop - "Stone Age" in
Letchworth, and some odd pics of me.
- 20041129-katcoat - Kat, coated.
- 20041128-stevenage - Just a couple
of pictures from the stevenage car-boot sale.
- 20041127-moon - A completely failed
attempt at finding a gap in the clouds. Ah well.
- 20041125-royston - Just a couple of
pictures from Royston.
- 20041118-1st-snow - It had to snow
at some point, I guess.
- 20041116-bits - Stuff around the house
and me looking very fluffy.
- 20041113-ashwell - Pretty pictures of
- 20041112-green - Nearly Christmas and
it's greeeen outside.
- 20041108-mecats - Ummm, yes... And
some cats.
- 20041014-gemma - Me and Gemma.
- 20041001-various - A silly hat, a fisheye
lense, some little lead soldier dudes and a freezer gone mad.
- 20040929-gardenbits - Just a couple of
cat pictures.
- 20040926-seaside - Kat and I wander to the
- 20040914-cathelmet - Well sometimes, cats
need helmets! It's a dangerous world out there!
- 20040910-stuff - Erm... I was bored, ok?
- 20040829-clouds - Pretty clouds. I worry
sometimes that I have an unhealthy cloud obsession.
- 20040819-kat-italy - Kat's pictures from
- 20040816-pinkme-etc - I got
sunburned. Kat, Rachael and a unicycle are in here too somewhere.
- 20040809-wetwetwet - Me and Kat... It
- 20040807-various - Food, Kat, Ships in
someone's yard and Henry bought me some ancient computers.
- 20040730-housetoys - Ummm... I have too
many toys in this house.
- 20040710-soggy - Me, Kat and Neil in
Cambridge getting wet... Again.
- 20040608-splashy - Aaaar! Cap'n Lorry
'ere... It was hot a little bit this year you know.
- 20040521-london - London and the British
- 20040515-garden - Me, Mari, Terry
and the brats; with an assortment of vehicles and weaponry.
- 20040425-garden - Just some random
garden pictures... And me in a hammock.
- 20040419-annika - Annika, Sofie and meee.
- 20040415-poorgarden - There comes a point
when you can have too many Landrovers.
- 20040413-various - Pretty lit chimneys,
Sofie and Sushi.
- 20040410-goulash - I was making Goulash
so I took these for the British Food Page at
- 20040407-treekiller - Me, doing some
gardening in a nice easy way.
- 20040404-swedishgarden - I thought
I should go into the mobile phone growing business.
- 20040402-sky - Some pretty sky pictures, and
a couple of me.
- 20040330-sunnysword - I wanted to
get a couple of pictures of a WW2 Katana. So, here they are.
- 20040323-byebyecars - I finally got
rid of some of the cars! Hurray!
- 20040321-kitchen - Ok, so something
went wrong, and the hurricane somehow got into the house.
- 20040320-windy - It was a little bit
windy. So, who needs a roof or cars?
- 20040317-salvage - Stripping cars
is so much easier when you don't care any more.
- 20040228-nicelight - I loved the
light, so I took a couple of pictures. I like these.
- 20040225-snow - Snow! Snow! A lot of these
were meant to be pictures of where cars had skidded off the road; ironically
I nearly crashed taking them.
- 20040219-clouds - Some pretty light
cloud pictures. None of these are photo edited.
- 20031226-tennis - Boxing Day at Hampton
Court Palace.
- 20031223-marconi - Some pictures of
an old Marconi radio set that in its time cost about the same as a
- 20031126-clouds - Yes, I am obsessed with
clouds. But there are some rather nice landscapes here too.
- 20031116-tapedrives - Ummm, I was
trying to get a tape drive working, need I say more?
- 20031113-pennines - Sofie and I head
up to Leeds to get a tape drive from Ted. I had to pop to Accrington for
chips too.
- 20031022-spooks - The Halloween lantern
and my little plane present from Alex. Do I take too many photos?
- 20031018-bitties - Clo made me a new
chain maille bracelet, so I was blueing it a bit. Much better now!
- 20031001-house - A few more house
pictures - This is phase 2 of the huge tidying saga!
- 20030924-outside - Me and Sofie
playing in the springs, some piggies and a pathetic attempt by me to
try and "out cute" Poggin.
- 20030924-bread - No, I am not sure
why somebody would make bread in a plant pot either.
- 20030918-garden - Harvest time at the zoo.
- 20030916-sofie - I have no idea what most
of these are... But what the hell.
- 20030909-oldpics - A whole bunch of
scanned in ancient pics. Mostly people and even some random computers.
- 20030909-jam - Anyone want to
buy 100 lbs of Jam? I had to get rid of the plums somehow.
- 20030908-wildlife - A roof, a visit
to Jon's and a hedgehog.
- 20030820-lizz - Lizzzzzzzz.
- 20030810-amanda - On the hottest day of
the year, you have to keep cool somehow!
- 20030724-garden - Just a few random
cat and garden pictures.
- 20030720-flyfactory - Ok, so it was
an experiment! Mutter.
- 20030719-beth-rob - Beth and Rob came
to visit.
- 20030713-countyfair - Knebworth County
- 20030702-seaside - Clo and I attempt
to find some sea in Norfolk (the ones starting with DCP are from Clo's
camera, so don't blame me!).
- 20030701-hitchin - I think I forgot to
upload any pictures here, there's not much in here.
- 20030629-london4 - My garden, to
Portobello Road and then on to take some arty ones at
the Tate Modern... Well somebody there has to be Artistic hey?
- 20030625-london3 - A few more pictures
from Camden and Kings Cross Platform 9 and 3 quarters.
- 20030624-outandaboot - More garden
and for some reason, Henry and a Saxon roundhouse.
- 20030623-wildlife - Various pictures of
Clo, me and assorted wildlife.
- 20030621-london2 - Lots of pictures
of me, Clo, Camden market and people in general. Oh, also the midnight
queues for the latest Harry Potter book.
- 20030620-ashwell - A night time
wander fuelled with incohol I suspect.
- 20030619-various1 - Me, Clo, Cats
and a garden.
- 20030617-ticketmachine - This
amused me... Poor machine.
- 20030617-london1 - See! I will go to
London if I am forced to.
- 20030615-clo1 - Clo and I wandering around
in the wilds of Hertfordshire.
- 20030613-garden - Some garden pictures,
some pictures of me and randomly, some glasses.
- 20030610-kitchen - Butter making and other
- 20030609-skies - Pretty skies.
- 20030608-soggy - A wet day at the car boot
- 20030607-outside - The garden, shed
clearing, a nice big bonfire and some bowls (for no real reason).
- 20030606-wanderings - A pretty
dragonfly, an unknown CK model and some other random snaps.
- 20030604-outside - Cats, garden
cleaning, more British Food and what happens when ants bite wrists.
- 20030602-garden - More pottering around the
garden, this time it's mostly cleaning up years of crap.
- 20030601-iansparty - Ian's party.
- 20030528-wildlife - Kat and the cats
in the garden.
- 20030525-planting - More garden planting,
this time it's more or less finished.
- 20030520-farmers - Planting the garden.
- 20030519-rainbow - I can see a rainbow.
- 20030503-tractor - Tractor restoration
- 20030430-nicelight - Some pretty
landscapes in the spring. I just loved some of the lighting.
- 20030428-duckland - Various ducks and
some nicely lit landscapes.
- 20030421-tractorduck - On the cooking
of ducks, and on the decision to restore the tractor.
- 20030416-frida - Some pics of Frida and a
couple of Kat.
- 20030415-outside - Various outside pictures.
Me (looking fat) and Kat.
- 20030407-clarinet - Just a few random
pictures of a Clarinet I was mending.
- 20030406-oink - A wee trip to the local
pig farm.
- 20030405-meeces - There's a moose loose,
about the hoose! - A mouse invaded the house, so I fed him pie to try and
keep him off other things.
- 20030405-baa - More lambs, and a few other
animals. These ones from Shuttleworth.
- 20030404-sheep - Sheep, lambs and a few
pictures of Ashwell Museum.
- 20030330-radwell - Just some random pictures
from around Radwell - Cows, Kats, dogs and stained glass.
- 20030326-flight - This is me,
trying to get a good "in the air" picture. The ones in red I took myself.
I would say "don't ask" but I decided to explain anyway.
- 20030325-diggers - It started with a metal
detector... We found crap, then I got annoyed with gravity in general.
- 20030322-nightscope - All the war
reporters in Kuwait are using night vision, so why can't I?
- 20030317-cats-by-kat - Some pictures of
me and the cats, taken by Kat. These are rather good.
- 20030314-littleprince - Just a few
Little Prince picture scans.
- 20030302-craftshow - Ferrets, Annika
and no cider at all! Tsh.
- 20030228-airport - Stanstead on mild alert.
- 20030226-norfolk - Sofie, Kat and I
in Norfolk. Oh yea, and some more ducks.
- 20030210-stonedcats - Fear and
Loathing in Catnip Heaven.
- 20030207-ducks - Do not feed the deranged
- 20030202-mari - Mari, Terry, Kat, Poggin
and Brats.
- 20030130-snow - The second snow of the
year, and this time it came quickly and caused national chaos.
- 20030113-mousemap - Dead mice, nothing
much to see.
- 20030109-snow - The first of 2003's snow.
- 20030105-carboot - The occasional furrener
asks me what Car Boot Sales actually are - So I figured I would take some
typical carboot snapshots for them.
- 20021228-scans - Another batch of old scans.
Loads of things in here.
- 20021228-pat-john - Some pics of Pat and
John in Leeds.
- 20021225-tidylounge - Ok, so I had
to tidy it in the end.
- 20021223-stuff - Nothing at all really,
just ... stuff.
- 20021214-iansparty - Ian's birthday
- 20021212-hitchin - If you like Ye
Olde England, then these pictures of Hitchin should be sweet.
- 20021208-carboot - Some random crap from
the Car Boot Sale.
- 20021029-hurricane - In late October,
a hurricane paid us a nice visit... The house didn't like it much.
- 20020926-houseinvaders - It
was an odd week, my house was invaded by mice, a man who pulled all my
windows out and a family of squirrels living in the roof (though you
can't really see from the pictures, there are 2 adults and 2 kids). My
digital camera wasn't good enough to get in close hence the novel if
somewhat out-of-focus way of magnifying them...
- 20020916-barnfire - A year for
fires, this time at the farm out back.
- 20020914-proms - Proms in the Park with
Jen, Amy and Maja.
- 20020907-jenparty - An assortment
of pictures from Jen's house-warming party.
- 20020903-videosport - I bought this
at a car boot sale - half way through restoring it. Original box, original
instructions but alas, it was stored with its cables touching the plastic
case so they have "melted" into it. Not an easy job restoring something this
far gone. There is a page on it
- 20020902-bygrave - Some more pictures of
Bygrave, after the harvest at baling time.
- 20020901-bolts - I was bored, I was playing
with new designs in nasty crossbow bolts.
- 20020823-goape - Amy and I at "Go Ape"
up in Norfolk - Their website is at:
- 20020821-firefire - Fire! Fire! We
found a fire, and erm... ran out of petrol just in front of it. Oddly the
firemen wouldn't let me fill it from a can.
- 20020821-garden - Just some random garden
- 20020811-london - Some London pics. Amy,
me and Sofie wandering around Camden, St Pauls, The Wobbly Bridge and
The Tate.
- 20020804-sofie-bygrave - Sofie and
me in Bygrave at Harvest time.
- 20020723-moats - Yet another hunt for Saxon
Moats. This time there's actually a moat in them!
- 20020719-jenzoo - Jen and me at Whipsnade
- 20020717-wheee - Just some pics from Thorpe
- 20020707-nickipics - Some old pictures
I got from Nicki, mostly from about 1992-1994 with a few newer ones thrown
- 20020619-scrapyard - A garden full of
crap, and blue skies.
- 20020613-triffids - This is Amy's
fridge not mine! i daren't even open it... I didn't think things could grow
in the dark, but it seems they can.
- 20020608-playtime - We needed small
people to try Tracski - However, they seemed to prefer Tractor Surfing
instead. Kids, who'd have 'em!
- 20020606-bygraveloop2 - Intrepid
explorer Michael heads off into the wilds of Hertfordshire and gets wet.
I did find the 1st of my Saxon Moats though!
- 20020527-sunsets - Some random sunset
pictures from around the house.
- 20020521-skidriving - Preparations
for my new sport of Tractor Skiing are going... Well, erm... they are
- 20020510-tractorcavalry - I
needed to get some pictures of some tungsten shells (shooty ones, not
sea ones) I had in an attempt to identify them so I did it whilst
trying to get my deranged tractor working. It did start in the end after
two years but it only lasted 10 minutes. Ah well!
- 20020506-countyfair - The county fair
at Knebworth. A county fair is a bit like a festival, with ferret racing and
duck herding instead of music and with 10% of the attendees carrying
shotguns. The last picture isn't real by the way, I was just playing.
- 20020504-photoshoot - I had promised
someone some pictures of Lara and a Dalek and I wanted to get it in a nice
dusk light which didn't leave much time... So here's the digital pics of
it all. The cats helped in their own unique way, as usual. Incidentally,
the pictures of Tink half in the Dalek misses the fact that I am inside
being scratched to bits by her back claws holding her in! The full set is
at 20020504-photoshoot-full
- 20020503-darkoutside - Some pictures
I took in the garden at about 3am, mainly of cats though one of me and the
swing. Night lighting and a direct flash is quite good for cat photography.
- 20020501-outside - Some pictures
of the village at 6:30am (for the nice lighting), and a few of the
swing in its earlier stages of construction.
- 20020420-garden-and-balloon -
Just a random hot air balloon floating by.
- 20020401-laraofarabia - Lara,
trying out for some hot desert action...
- 20020220-sofie - Some pics of Sofie's
- 20020111-duxford - Duxford air museum.
- 20011228-christmas - Tilly's Christmas
- 20011208-walkabout - On walkabout with
Katie. Mainly stones and Castles. Raglan, More of Wales, Cornwall and a
few places on the way.
- 20011116-whipsnade - More Whipsnade
Wild Animal Park pics.
- 20011030-t5-misc - Some old pictures from
a roll of film I found in my Yashica T5.
- 20011029-woolybits - Bits of wool, belts
and general junk.
- 20011018-ashwell - Some pictures of Ashwell
- 20011017-london - Some pictures of London I
took a couple of years ago from somewhere way up high in Vauxhall.
- 20011004-poorlypog - Poggin the cat
is even more pathetic when she is ill than I am!
- 20010930-misc - Yet another one of those
places full of unsorted bits and peices.
- 20010928-sheepbog - After trapsing through
bogs and stinging things and avoiding homicidal suicidal truck drivers, I
finally got the pictures I wanted of the sheep and the pill box. So here are
some of them.
- 20010926-whipsnade - Some pics from
Whipsnade Wild Animal Park.
- 20010901-henry - Some pictures of Henry and his beach buggy.
- 20010901-oldpics - Another load of old
photo scans with no particular order nor subject.
- 20010801-lightning - The English Electric
Lightning, up near Warton.
- 20010723-oldpics - Various old pics: Shae, Lucy, Me, Custard, Tilly and cats.
- 20010722-banger - Dunno why I bothered,
the roof fell on top of it a few months later.
- 20010718-livesex - This is how we do sex in the country.
- 20010714-misc - Various garden, cat and people pictures.
- 20010709-garden - Some more garden, flower, vegetable and cat pictures.
- 20010704-garden - Various veggie pics for Amy.
- 20010531-norfolk-wildlife-park - Norfolk Wildlife Park, animal pictures.
- 20010529-computer-museum - The Computer Museum (unsorted).
- 20010225 - Snow and cats.
- 20010214 - Various arty bits in the house.
- 20010130 - Ames sabre, me and Tilly.
- 20010128 - Old pics - Clo, Whipsnade and Lucy, me and Tilly.
- 20000802-montreal - Clo and I at her
house in Montreal. I was horribly chubby then!
- 20000606 - A-B Telephones.
- 20000526 - Lara meets
- 20000520 - Amy's kittens and some animation.
- 20000502-marikids - Mari, Terry, Amy and
the kids.
- 20000422 - Loads of things, including the black cat deportation and GB meet.
- 20000114 - Me, Amy, Nat, Mart and Lawballs.
- 20000106 - Me, Amy and new-life.
- 19991210 - Darkroom, garage and Custard.
- 19991011 - Black and White, old and new.
- 19990308 - Tilly's Birthday.
- 19990222 - Arty house bits.
- 19990213 - Poggin, Whitecat and Mr Dalek.
- 19990210 - Snow and Whitecat.
- 19990206 - Lara, Amy and more BT-SS.
- 19990205 - BT-SS.
- 19990115 - Odd lunches and Grand Theft Auto.
- 19990101 - Loads of things, including some old pictures, Leeds parties and bad hair days.
- 19981231 - Tilly Christmas.
- 19981218 - Whitecat.
- 19981001 - Loads of things, including Up North pics and some Armistead and Tilly bits.
- 19980819 - Tilly.
- 19980813 - The Fylde and BT leased lines.
- 19980720-flying - Flying and
- 19971202 - BT and snow.
- 19970919 - Tilly and the cats.
- 19970731 - Tilly and Sheep.
- 19970426 - Poggin, Toerag and other bits.
- 19970324 - Sheep, Clo, BT and Tilly.
- 19970212 - Some Tilly pics, and other stuff.
- 1978-schoolbooks - Some scans of my 1978
School books... Ummm, yes!
Various named sections:
Various ones people have asked me to store for them:
Michael Lawrie's 'Lorry' homepage. Email: [email protected]